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Reading Interventions

Reading Pathway Protocol

The multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) reading pathway includes three levels of support: intensive, strategic, and benchmark. All students are screened using the interim assessment and progress is monitored throughout the year.

Learners trending below the 35th percentile on the interim assessment are reviewed to determine if further assessments are necessary.

  • Benchmark - Trending between 35th - 99th percentile on the interim assessment
    • Enrolled in core Language arts
  • Strategic - Trending below the 35th percentile on the interim assessment and below proficient in the classroom
    • Enrolled in core language arts, and possibly a targeted reading intervention
  • Intensive - Trending below the 20th percentile on the interim assessment with significant deficits in literacy skills in the classroom.
    • Enrolled in an alternate core literacy course, or targeted intervention as deemed appropriate

Middle School Reading Interventions

High School Reading Interventions