Responsibilities of English Learning Staff
- Administrative Assistant
- EL Coordinator
- English Learner Paraprofessional
- Principal
- Teacher (Classroom and/or Core Content)
- Teacher (English Learner)
Administrative Assistant
The administrative assistant in each school building is expected to:
- Review home language surveys in PowerSchool and when information indicates another language or country, print the form for the English learner teacher for review
- Review new student cumulative file for any English learner-related information and, if evidence of previous services exists, forward the file to the English learner teacher for review
- Enter new American students in PowerSchool
- Assign students a schedule in coordination with English learner teachers and counselors, when necessary
EL Coordinator
The Elementary Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Assistant Superintendent, and the Director of Curriculum & Instruction supervise the overall operation of the English learner program. The ELCoordinator is expected to:
- Ensure that the goals and requirements of the program are met
- Maintain the master list of students that are currently enrolled in the English learner program
- Maintain PowerSchool reporting (WIDA/MODEL assessment date and score/attainment date, assigning case managers, individualized language plan date, immigrant/refugee status, date of entry, and country of origin)
- Manage the program budget
- Assist with the hiring of English learning staff
- Write grants for financial support
- Prepare and submit federal and state program applications and reports
- Monitor LEP PowerSchool and PowerTeacher school data
- Coordinate programs with other existing district programs
- Oversee activities and testing materials for English learner use
- Develop a scope and sequence for curriculum with vertical alignment of student proficiencies to help ensure consistent student expectations and guide teachers in their instruction
- Register new American families
- Collaborate with state and locate agencies to meet the needs of the immigrant/refugee population
- Arrange transportation for conferences and summer school
English Learner Paraprofessional
The English learner paraprofessional works coppoeratively, assisting the English learner teacher and classroom teachers in the instruction of English learner students. The responsibilities include:
- Assist the English learner teacher and classroom teacher in achieving English learning program objectives by working with individual students or small groups using techniques consistent with program design
- Reinforce learning of materials, concepts, and skills initially introduced by the English learner teacher or classroom teacher
- Work with targeted students, using a variety of materials and instructional methods under the direct supervision of certified teachers
- Confer with the EL teacher or classroom teacher on behavior or other issues concerns individual students
- Maintain confidentiality
- Attend professional development activities as assigned
The building principal is expected to:
- Hire English learner staff in collaboration with the Educational Equity Coordinator and Assistant Superintendent
- Supervise and evaluate the building's English learner staff
- Supervise the scheduling and duties of English learner paraprofessionals
- Promote parental involvement
- Comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act
- Oversee the scheduling, placement, and appropriate accommodations for English learners
- Provide input and attend meetings concerning English learners
Teacher (Classroom and/or Core Content)
The classroom teacher is expected to:
- Collaborate with English learner teachers to plan appropriate scaffolding and build necessary background for English learners to access grade level content
- Provide input and attend meetings concerning English learners
- Montior English learners' grades and attendance for integrated coursework
- Ensure parents/guardians have access to translated communication, when needed
- Provide core instruction and grades
- Ensure all students have the necessary course materials
Teacher (English Learner)
The English learner teacher is expected to:
- Work with the building administrative assistant(s) to review home language survey forms and the information in cumulative files to determine a student's need for screening
- Follow the English learning student identification flowchart and complete WIDA screener testing
- When a new student is screened or when a new student enrolls with an Englisher learner identification, submit an English learning PowerSchool update form to the Educational Equity Coordinator with all the necessary information
- Within 30 days of the start of school and/or 14 days once school is in session, develop an individualized language plan (ILP) for each student on their case load and in cooperation with classroom teachers and families
- Update the individual language plan (ILP) for currently enrolled students
- Provide the attainment date to the Educational Equity Coordinator if the student exits the program
- Assist with the enrollment of new immigrant/refugee students
- Provide direct instruction for English learning students through one of the program models
- Complete language proficiency assessments (ACCESS) and assist with accommodations with district assessments
- Coordinate instruction and student needs with classroom teachers
- Provide support for classroom teachers
- Coordinate interpreter services, when needed
- Provide training and support for paraprofessionals and classroom teachers on appropriate English learning instructional strategies
- Provide input and attend meetings concerning English learning students, including IEP meetings
- Monitor English learners' grades and attendance
- Maintain English learners' records
- Arrange parent/guardian and student transportation, when needed