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English Learners

The English learner (EL) program provides English language instruction, supplemental curriculum materials, and other related services to students who lack the English skills needed to succeed in the core curriculum due to a non-English language background.


  • English learners (ELs) are everyone's responsibility.
  • EL students need to be provided meaningful access to core content and curriculum.
  • EL students need explicit and effective English language instruction in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  • Students who come from a non-majority language, culture, and/or racial background require instruction that is relevant to their culture and learning needs.
  • Social-emotional development and cognitive development are related processes that contribute to students' success in school and beyond.
  • The cultures and languages of English learners are a valuable resource to be leveraged for schooling and classroom life, not only to encourage learner agency for English learners but to positively impact the classroom environment by offering new global perspectives.
  • The EL program uses sound theory, research-based programs, and authentic evidence to inform decisions.
  • First and foremost, teachers must hold high expectations for their success.
  • Students come first!


EL Leadership and the Director of Curriculum & Instruction establish annual goals for the English learner program. The goals are monitored and evaluated, with staff providing ongoing suggestions for program improvement. The suggestions are evaluated and implemented as needed.

Who are the English Learner (EL) Students in West Fargo Public Schools?

As a community, West Fargo has developed a growing awareness of global issues and the needs of people throughout the world. In response to this growing awareness, various community, business, and religious organizations have sought to welcome people from around the world driven from their homes by violence, poverty, and disease. Those efforts have created a widely diverse EL population with over 57 language groups West Fargo Public Schools.

The English language learners in West Fargo Public Schools come from four basic groups of people:

  • Children who are born in the U.S. to parents whose first language is not English
  • Immigrants: people who are choosing to settle in the United States
  • Refugees: people who have been forced from their country and cannot return
  • Students whose parents are visiting the United States for educational or business purposes
District-Level EL Staff  
Dakota Breen Elizabeth Mackowick
District EL Support Title Cooridinator