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Home School Education

Home education is an educational program for a child based in the child’s home and supervised by the child’s parents or parents. Participation in this program legally fulfills the compulsory instruction requirements of state law.

Home education is one of several means by which parents can fulfill their responsibility for educating their children. The North Dakota legislature has enacted laws to ensure that the state’s responsibilities and legitimate interests in this endeavor are also guaranteed and protected. With the combined rights and interests of the state and of parents, the state has delegated certain responsibilities to local school districts to work with home educators to assure that all North Dakota students are receiving a quality education.

Requirements for Home Education

  • Complete the Statement of Intent to Home Educate
    • Home education may begin five days after the Statement of Intent has been filed (and if required, a service plan for students with an IEP. The Statement of Intent must be filed every year by September 10 for students aged 7 – 16.
    • Online Statement of Intent Form is available on the right side of this page under Resources.
  • Provide the parent/guardian’s proof of qualification:
    • A copy of GED, high school diploma, Advanced Degree, or transcript. If not available, a home school monitor will be assigned to the student.
  • Provide a copy of a student’s birth certificate
  • Provide a record of immunizations (or letter of objection)
  • Arrange for standardized testing in fourth, sixth, eighth, or tenth grade. Parents/guardians with a bachelor’s degree may opt out of this requirement. Students can also take NDSA at a West Fargo Public Schools’ facility; arrangements shall be made between a parent/guardian in collaboration with the district.
    • Test results are due by June 15
  • Students with an IEP must have a Service Plan on file. 
  • A parent/guardian supervising a child with an IEP must file progress reports on November 1, February 1, and May 1 of each school year.