West Fargo Public Schools strives to ensure that all students have the mathematical skills and strategies needed to be successful in the future.
At the elementary level, teachers utilize the resources Bridges and Number Corner from The Math Learning Center for whole group instruction. These resources are designed to guide students to become strong mathematicians both mentally and procedurally. Teachers in West Fargo receive extensive math professional development when they enroll in Add+Vantage Math Recovery Course 1 and 2. These courses provide teachers with the tools they need to assess students in their current level of mathematics and design instruction to meet their needs. DreamBox is another valuable resource available to all students in the elementary schools. DreamBox provides personalized learning so students can advance in many areas of mathematics at their rate of learning and interest.
At the middle level, teachers utilize the resource CPM Inspiring Connections to help learners achieve the standards. In addition, middle school math teachers utilized Dreambox to help differentiate instruction. Educators embed the Mathematical Attributes into their instruction while focusing the content of six critical areas: (1) developing and using ratios, rates, and proportional relationships to solve problems (2) expanding the Number System to Rational and Irrational Numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; (4) developing statistical thinking; (5) continue to expand on Geometry concepts and ideas from elementary; and (6)understanding and using function relationships.
At the high school level, students must complete three math credits for graduation. They are offered electives in many courses beyond Algebra II, including Calculus AB and BC. The core classes have six major focus areas: modeling, numbers and quantity, Algebra, functions, geometry, statistics and probability, and developing the eight mathematical practices in our learners.
NDDPI Family Guide
The Family & Community Guides published by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction are designed for individuals outside the education field who are invested in students' learning experiences. These guides provide an overview of what students will learn at each grade level, offering insights into classroom activities and suggestions for supporting learning at home.
The guides are organized by grade level to align with the typical school structure, except for Middle School and High School, which has a single guide each covering grades 6-8 and 9-12, respectively. Available in PDF format, these guides can be easily printed and shared, making them accessible to families and community members.
Alignment to North Dakota Content Standards
The North Dakota Content Standards serve as a model to establish teaching and learning goals, outlining the knowledge and skills students should achieve at each grade level. While local school districts choose the specific curriculum to meet these standards, the Family & Community Guides present a simplified version for parents and community members. These guides provide a basic understanding of the expected skills and learning experiences, complementing the more detailed standards written for professional educators.
Proficiency Scales
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre Algebra (MTSS)
- Algebra Readiness (MTSS)