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Effective assessment practices provide descriptive feedback for learners to improve on their learning.  This form of feedback occurs while the learning is occurring (formative assessment). Grades are a form of feedback to a learner, indicating their progress toward reaching the standards. Learners and parents/guardians need a precise picture of what has been learned and what still needs to be learned.

In grades K-8, each academic area has defined proficiency scales for each grading period for specific learning categories. These categories of reporting often include more than one academic standard as defined by the state of North Dakota. The academic standards required have been prioritized and placed into a scope and sequence, which aligns to the statements reflected in the proficiency scales for each quarter. The entire statement for the category is to be considered at the end of the grading period when determining whether a learner has achieved a “3 - Proficient.” We are often referring to the entire learning category when referencing “standards.”

In grades 9-12, each academic area has a defined scope and sequence as well as a course description to clarify learner outcomes. Teachers utilize this curriculum framework to provide meaningful formative assessment feedback for student learning and report letter grades each quarter. We are working to create proficiency scales in grades 9-12, but grades will be reported as letter grades due to the common practice of utilizing a grade point average as a component of entrance criteria to local colleges and universities.

In addition to feedback that is provided by teachers for each grading period, the district also monitors learner progress using several standardized assessments. These assessments can be utilized to help make decisions about additional services for learners as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum and resources. Learners complete different assessments in different grade levels and at various times throughout the year. These assessments include: the North Dakota State Assessment, STAR reading, STAR math, AIMS-web Reading, AIMS-web Math, PSAT, ACT, Work Keys, NAEP, ACCESS, and Advanced Placement Exams.

Report Cards

Report cards are provided for students and parents/guardians at the end of each grading period. Elementary students receive report cards three times per year. Secondary students receive report cards four times per year. Reporting is slightly different from the elementary school level to the secondary level.

Families can access and print report cards following these instructions: Elementary Report Card Access.pdf

Standardized Assessment Schedule
















FAST Bridge











Fall, Winter, & Spring

ACCESS (English Learners)


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January 9 - February 17

ACT / Work Key




March 7 (Make up March 22)

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) (voluntary)




March 7

Capti Reading Diagnostic & Benchmark









December 18- January 18


CogAT Screener




April - May

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)




January 24 - March 4

North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) - Reading & Math









March 13 - May 5

North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) - Science









March 14- May 6

Panorama Learner Survey - efficacy, engagement, agency, relationships


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PreACT (voluntary)




March 1

STAR (either Early Literacy or Reading, but not both)


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Fall (no K testing), Winter (monitoring groups only), & Spring




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Fall, Winter (monitoring groups only), & Spring

YRBS Survey


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Spring 2023

Standardized Assessments