High School Student Handbook
West Fargo Public Schools aligns instructional practices and resources to create a nurturing, learner-centered environment. Learners are empowered to develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions to thrive in a rapidly changing world. The district has adopted a Strategic Plan and Belief Statements that drive the work we do.
When parents/guardians have concerns about school, they are asked to first contact the school employee who is nearest to the situation of concern. If parents/guardians do not feel the issue is resolved after talking to that person, they should contact the building principal, followed by the Office of the Assistant Superintendent, if the matter is still not resolved. If that should fail, parents should contact the Office of the Superintendent. A parent’s final avenue is to file an appeal with the School Board.
- Overview
- Grading
- Academic Honesty & Integrity
- Extra Credit
- Report Cards
- Graduation
- Early Graduation
- College Admission & Career Readiness
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Report Cards & Assessment
- College Course Substitution
Academic Honesty & Integrity
Extra Credit
Report Cards
Early Graduation
College Admission & Career Readiness
Curriculum & Instruction
Report Cards & Assessment
College Course Substitution
- School Nurses
- Food Service
- School Nutrition
- Immunizations
- Medication Administration
- Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Animals in School
- Injuries