North Dakota Center for Distance Education
Please be advised that home education and virtual education are distinct programs.
West Fargo Public Schools collaborates with the North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE) for virtual education initiatives.
Home education involves a personalized educational approach conducted within the child's home under the supervision of their parents or guardians. Participation in this program meets the legal requirements for compulsory instruction as mandated by state law. For further details on home learning opportunities, please visit our Home Education webpage.
Mandatory Orientation for Full-Time Virtual Program Enrollment
Learners enrolling full-time in the Virtual Program for the first time are required to attend a mandatory orientation. This session is designed to provide essential information and resources to help ensure their success in a virtual learning environment. Attendance is critical - learners who do not complete the orientation will not be enrolled in the Virtual Program.
Below are the orientation dates and times, as well as the official start dates for learners:
Orientation Dates
- Tuesday, January 7th: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
- Tuesday, February 4th: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
- Tuesday, March 4: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Start Dates
- Monday, January 13th
- Monday, February 10th
- Monday, March 10th
Please note that Monday, March 10 is the final date for learners to enroll full-time in the Virtual Program this school year.
Orientation Location
Lodoen Center
109 3rd St E, West Fargo, ND 58078
Virtual Program Guidelines
In West Fargo Public Schools District (WFPS) we believe that learning has a social component, and that learners need to be engaged in safe and nurturing environments that allow them to develop their intellectual, physical, social, and emotional well-being.
WFPS utilizes a variety of digital platforms, including Schoology, Edgenuity, and the North Dakota Center for Distance Education (NDCDE) to provide curriculum to learners who request/require a virtual learning option.
Expectations for learners enrolled in virtual learning are as follows:
- We strongly recommend families meet with their child’s assigned counselor prior to beginning the application process for enrolling in virtual learning.
- Virtual learning is NOT an answer to planning for vacations, out-of-state athletic opportunities, etc.
- The family must adhere to Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requirements regarding standardized assessments and surveys.
- WFPS can require virtual learners to return onsite to complete DPI mandates.
- We strongly recommend learners meet bi-weekly with the Dean of Learners.
- If academic progress is not being made, the Dean of Learners will recommend to your learner’s administrators, you return onsite at the beginning of the next trimester/semester.
- The family is responsible for ensuring their child has access to reliable internet service to engage in their classwork
Current Progress of Learners Enrolled in Virtual Learning
- West Fargo Public Schools’ learner academic data shows, learners who are enrolled in virtual learning underperform learners who attend classes on-site. This can be attributed to onsite learners having a defined daily structure, additional educational supports, and easier access to extra/co-curricular activities.
- Learners engaged in Virtual Learning in high school, who underperform, are at a greater risk of falling behind and being off-track for making progress toward graduation.
Research Shows the Following Traits are Needed for Learners to Be Successful in Virtual Learning:
- Strong Time Management Skills: Virtual learners need to juggle multiple tasks, assignments, and deadlines in an online setting.
- Self-Motivation and Discipline: Successful virtual learners are self-motivated and disciplined in managing their time effectively.
- Excellent Communication Skills: Since virtual learning often involves interacting with instructors and peers through written communication, successful virtual learners possess strong written communication skills.
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Virtual learners encounter various challenges, such as understanding complex concepts independently, troubleshooting technical issues, and collaborating with peers in virtual group projects.
Important Information for High School Learners Entering the Full Virtual Program
Once a learner has been enrolled into the Virtual Program, they are no longer affiliated with the school they are exiting from. It will be as if they have enrolled in an entirely different school. Therefore, learners in the Virtual Program will not be permitted to participate in the following activities of their previous school:
- Commencement Ceremony
- School Dances (Homecoming, Prom, etc.) – Unless invited by a student who meets the eligibility criteria defined in the Student Handbook.
Important Information for High School and Middle School Learners Taking Courses in Both the Virtual Program and On-Site
- Learners who are enrolled in courses in the virtual program and their designated home school, must take four onsite courses, both semesters, to be able to participate in aforementioned activities.
- Learners will be enrolled in one course at a time.
- High School learners must be on-site to complete their virtual course.
- Before enrolling into a virtual course, learners must meet with their assigned principals and counselor.
Virtual Learners & Extracurricular Activities Participation
Learners enrolled in the Virtual Program must maintain adequate progress toward graduation in order to participate in extra/co-curricular activities. Adequate progress will be determined by attendance (time logged into course), percentage completion of course, and overall grade.
Please Contact Your Learner's School for More Information Regarding the Virtual Program
School | Phone Number |
Aurora Elementary School | (701) 356-2139 |
Brooks Harbor Elementary School | (701) 356-8310 |
Deer Creek Elementary School | (701) 356-8399 |
Eastwood Elementary School | (701) 356-2030 |
Freedom Elementary School | (701) 356-5221 |
Harwood Elementary School | (701) 356-2040 |
Horace Elementary School | (701) 356-2080 |
Independence Elementary School | (701) 356-5890 |
L.E. Berger Elementary School | (701) 356-2010 |
Meadowlark Elementary School | (701) 356-6830 |
Osgood Elementary School | (701) 356-2190 |
South Elementary School | (701) 356-2100 |
Westside Elementary School | (701) 356-2110 |
Willow Park Elementary School | (701) 356-8360 |
Cheney Middle School | (701) 356-2090 |
Heritage Middle School | (701) 356-5910 |
Liberty Middle School | (701) 356-2671 |
Community High School | (701) 356-2008 |
Horace High School | (701) 356-2070 |
Sheyenne High School | (701) 356-2160 |
West Fargo High School | (701) 356-2050 |