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New 2024-2025

Register as a new learner in grades PreK - 12
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Kindergarten 2025-2026

Kindergarten Registration will Open March 3, 2025.
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Continue as a returning learner

School Preference

Each student attends school in the attendance area within the school district as determined by their address. Exceptions requested by parents, such as a request for admittance to Community High School and the Early Childhood Center, may be granted after consultation between the parents of the student and the appropriate administrative staff. Please check your address on our district map to determine your attendance area. For assistance determining your school, call (701) 499-1067.

Registration forms with Community High School or Early Childhood Center selected will be reviewed for consideration into the program. For additional information, or to inquire about the registration process for Community High School, please contact (701) 356-2008. For additional information, or to inquire about the registration process for the Early Childhood Center, please contact (701) 356-2020.

Video Tutorial: Completing Online Registration

District Registration Process


North Dakota Century Code 12-60-26. requires proof of a learner’s identity (as defined in NDCC 12-20-26.7c) to be in the school file. If proof of identity is not submitted within forty (40) days of entering school, legal authorities are notified.

When a child enrolls in a West Fargo school for the first time, the parent (guardian or legal custodian) must present proof of identity of the child to the school within forty days of enrollment. "Proof of identity" means a certified copy of a birth certificate, a certified transcript, or similar student records from the previous school. It is also required that the parent request the appropriate school records for the child from the previous school attended by the child. If a child's parent does not present proof of identity within forty days of enrollment or if the school does not receive the school records of the child within sixty days of enrollment, the school, the school superintendent must notify the bureau and a local law enforcement authority that no proof of identity has been presented to the child. (NDCC 12-60-26).

Prior to the first day of school, each registered child must provide a digital copy of a current immunization record, proof of identity (birth certificate, visa, I-94, or other government-issued ID), and proof of residency.

North Dakota law requires that a pupil's legal surname be used on all records maintained by a school and also requires the use of the legal surname in all communications involving the student. Therefore, all communications and records of pupils in the West Fargo Public Schools will use students' legal surnames.


The enrollment process at West Fargo Public Schools is done in two phases: preregistration and fall registration. The initial preregistration form must be completed once for each new learner enrolling in the district. Once submitted, the preregistration form is reviewed within five business days and the district registrar then sends instructions via email to complete the registration process.

To begin the enrollment process, please check your address on our district map to determine which school your child will attend for this school year. Please note that students in K – 5, 6 – 8, and 9 – 12 attend different schools.

Once you have determined your neighborhood school, please complete the online preregistration form below that best applies to your situation (new learner in kindergarten or new learner in grades 1 - 12).


If you have questions about the registration process, please contact our district registrar at (701) 499-1067 or by email at