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Whenever possible, the parent or guardian should make arrangements so that it is not necessary for school personnel to administer a medication to a learner. However, there are cases when a learner's health could be compromised by not getting medication during school hours. When sending any prescription or nonprescription medication (including cough drops) to school each year, parents must send:

  1. Medication Administration Authorization form filled out and signed by parent/guardian. If medication is prescription, a medical provider signature is also required. If a parent/guardian is requesting a dose higher or to be administered differently than the package instructions for an over-the-counter medication, this form must be signed by a medical provider.
  2. The original labeled container of the medication. For prescription medication, the pharmacist can supply a duplicate labeled container so one can be kept at home and one can be kept at school. Each container should have the phone number of the pharmacy, learner’s name, medical provider’s name, medication name, dosage, time to be given, and route (oral, inhaled, etc).