Immunization Requirements
To attend school, learners must show they are in compliance with North Dakota Century Code 33-06-05-01 regarding required immunizations. This especially applies to learners entering early childhood education programs, kindergarten, 7th grade, 11th grade, and all newly enrolled learners. If you have questions, don't know where to go for shots, or do not have health insurance, contact the school nurse.
Immunization | Grades K-6 | Grades 7-10 | Grades 11-12 |
Polio | 4 doses | 4 doses | 4 doses |
Dtap/DPT/DT/Td | 5 doses | 5 doses | 5 doses |
Tdap | N/A | 1 dose | 1 dose |
MMR | 2 doses | 2 doses | 2 doses |
Hepatitis B | 3 doses | 3 doses | 3 doses |
Varicella/Chickenpox | 2 doses | 2 doses | 2 doses |
Meningococcal | N/A | 1 dose |
2 doses |
Parents may file an exemption for their child from the school or childcare immunization requirements. Exemptions may be claimed for personal/philosophical, religious or medical reasons. Medical exemptions must be signed by a medical provider. [exemption form link]
Learners who are not vaccinated may be excluded from education or extracurricular activities if there is a threat to their safety due to exposure. Additional note, in the case of a disease epidemic, inadequately immunized children or children with an exemption form on file would not be able to attend school until there is no longer any danger or further spread of the disease in question.
Any child admitted to the school and not adhering to the recommended schedule must provide proof of immunization or a certificate of immunization by October 1 or within 30 days of enrollment if enrolling after October 1 or be excluded from school or an early childhood facility.
In the case of a child receiving home-based instruction, the child's parent or legal guardian shall file the certification with the public school district in which the child resides. Students who are not vaccinated may be excluded from education or extracurricular activities if there is a threat to their safety due to exposure. Additional note, in the case of a disease epidemic, inadequately immunized children or children with an exemption form on file would not be able to attend school until there is no longer any danger or further spread of the disease in question.
You can request a copy of your child's immunization record electronically! First-time users must create an account with MyIR Mobile before they can request records.