Health Conditions
It is the parent/guardians' responsibility to inform the learner’s teacher, nurse, and principal if there are any medical conditions that require a health plan or special measures at school for the learner. Examples of medical conditions include asthma, diabetes, seizure disorders, tube feeding, catheterization, etc.
Before each school year starts, parents/guardians must have the necessary forms completed and signed by a medical provider:
- Learners who need specialized health care assistance during school hours must have an Emergency Care Plan, Procedure Administration Authorization, Medication Administration Authorization and/or Dietary Accommodation Form on file with parent/guardian and medical provider signature. These forms must be updated at the beginning of each school year. Exception: The Dietary Accommodation Form will need to be completed and signed by a medical provider once for your child. The only time this would need to be completed more than once is if an additional allergy develops. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school nurse of any changes.
Please note that school nurses are available for health consultation but may not be present the entire school day.