The Buildings & Grounds Department's maintenance staff works to maintain the interior and exterior of school buildings and all mechanical systems and subsystems through preventative maintenance and repairs. The provide buildings and components that function safely and efficiently; facilities and equipment that minimize the possibility of fires, accidents, and safety hazards; protection of public property through proper planning, scheduling, and preventative maintenance; quality management of maintenance projects and tasks; and the conservation of energy through utilization of the latest technology and energy conservation measures. The maintenance staff has created and maintained a quality program through effective management and efficient utilization of resources.
Pest Control
West Fargo Public Schools utilizes licensed, professional service firms for the prevention and control of insects and rodents inside buildings, while trained staff members and professional services prevent and control weeds on school grounds. All materials used are registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and are selected and applied according to label instructions.
Indoor Air Quality
West Fargo Public Schools has created a policy to proactively manage building operations, cleaning, and maintenance that affect indoor air quality and the health of building occupants. The district maintains a preventative maintenance program to monitor HVAC systems and the building envelope for signs of water intrusion. Cleaning chemicals are reviewed for effectiveness and minimum toxicity and fragrance. The district also has a process for submitting and investigating concerns about indoor air quality - temperature, humidity, odors, etc.
Annual Asbestos Notification
You are hereby notified that the West Fargo Public School District #6 has developed an Asbestos Management Plan for all school buildings.
This management plan contains the findings and recommendations prepared by the consultant firm that conducted the assessment, Trio Environmental Consulting, Inc., West Fargo, North Dakota.
You are further notified that inquiries about the management plan can be made at either the school building or at the Leidal Education Center. Mark Lemer, Business Manager, has been designated coordinator of the asbestos management plan. The office address and telephone number of our coordinator are as follows:
West Fargo Public Schools
Buildings & Grounds
207 West Main Avenue
West Fargo, North Dakota 58078
(701) 356-2000