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Fee Structure

The West Fargo Facility Rental Program utilizes the following fee structure for use of district spaces by external organizations. Internal organizations and/or those who have been recognized by the district as being a district-affiliated organization (PTOs, Mustang Boosters, Packer Backers, school-based activities, normal school day operations, WFEA, and WFPS School Board) are exempt from the stated fee structure. 

All rentals will be invoiced within one business day of receiving your signed electronic rental contract and the invoice will be available to view in your online client portal. Payment must be submitted in full via credit card through your online client portal at least 24 hours prior to the start of your rental contract. If you need to pay via cash, check, or other special accommodations, requests must be submitted to the Facility Rental staff and approved prior to signing your contract.

For clients with approved special accommodation requests, invoices will be issued ten days before the end of each month or immediately following the conclusion of the event. All invoices will be available to view in your online client portal. These invoices must be paid in full prior to the end of the month. Credit card and check payments are accepted; credit card payments (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express) must be processed through your online client portal. If paying via check, please submit payment directly to Hulbert Aquatic Center Administrative Offices to be processed by facility staff prior to the last business day of the month.

For gymnasiums, commons, and library rentals, organizations that are comprised of at least 85% of West Fargo Public Schools students are eligible to receive up to two 60-minute contracted reservations per week at a rate of $15 per hour. Any additional reservations beyond the initial two hours will be assessed a fee of 50% of the stated fee structure or $25 per hour per court.

Artificial Turf Fields and Baseball/Softball fields are also eligible for the 50% discount when used by groups meeting the 85% WFPS student requirement. 

While gym courts are the most popular spaces for community organizations, other spaces are available per district policy.

In the event a rental occurs on a day, time, or location not listed on the signed contract, a $50 fee will be charged to the renter. The renter utilizing the space will also be billed for the used space at 125% of the regular rate to account for unplanned overtime expenses. Discounted rates will not apply on non-contracted spaces used.


Student Group Rate

(>85% WFPS Students)

Hourly Rate

(Including Large Events)

Max Daily Rate



$50.00 $250.00

Gymnasium (1 Court)


$50.00 $250.00

Library Media Center


$30.00 $120.00

Locker Room


$25.00 $100.00

Artificial Turf Field 


$130.00 $650.00
Baseball/Softball Fields $20.00 $40.00 $200.00

Press Box & PA System


$25.00 $100.00

Stadium Lights


$75.00 No Maximum 


Rental Fee 


$35.00 Hourly

Event Liaison/ Field Supervisor

 $35.00 Hourly

Weekend Security


Specialty Turf Fees

Substances that may stain or clog the artificial turf field are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, sunflower seeds, glass, chewing gum, candy, food, crepe paper, coffee, soft drinks, sports drinks, and petroleum jelly. Such substances must be kept outside of the playing area fence; only water is allowed on the turf field.

An Automatic Charge of up to $250, in addition to custodial staff costs, will be assessed to the client for cleanup of such prohibited debris. 


Additional Charges

Flat Rate

Prohibited Debris Removal

$250.00, in addition to custodial costs.