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GCAA-AP: Promotion and Retention

West Fargo Public Schools is committed to fostering the continuous educational and personal growth of its students.  Student progress shall be continually evaluated based on state achievement standards, course content standards, and education goals and objectives as established by administration and the teaching staff.

The district recognizes that at every grade level there are differences among students in their intellectual and personal development and that individual students may be more proficient in some content areas than in others.  Therefore, assignment of a student to a grade level shall be based on the best educational interest of the student, which shall be determined by using the criteria established below.


The decision to promote or retain a student shall be based on at least the following criteria:

  1. Whether or not the student has completed course requirements at the presently assigned grade.
  2. Whether or not the student demonstrates proficiency in enough course content areas to warrant promotion.
  3. Whether or not the student has sufficiently met achievement standards and other educational goals/objectives established for the student’s current grade level.
  4. Whether or not the student demonstrates the degree of social, emotional, and physical maturation necessary for successful learning experiences in the next grade level.
  5. The decision to promote or retain a special education student shall be made by the Individual Education Program (IEP) team in accordance with applicable law.

Under no circumstances shall a student be retained for the sole purpose of improving the student’s ability to participate in the district’s athletic program.

Procedures for promoting and retaining students shall be developed by the Superintendent and delineated in administrative regulations.


The Superintendent shall develop grade acceleration criteria and approval/denial procedures, which shall be delineated in administrative regulations.

Adopted: 07/01/21

