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FCAD-AP Learner Accidents & Emergency Incidents

West Fargo Public Schools shall follow its medical emergency response procedure when a learner is injured during school hours.  The response procedure must include documentation using the Learner Accident/Emergency Incident form and notification of a learner’s parent/guardian for injuries that occur on school property during school hours and on school-sponsored trips.

While each school does have designated staff that are equipped to monitor and render first aid, EMS may need to be contacted if the injury is severe. Costs incurred for EMS services, as well as any medical, dental, or hospital services due to an accident while on school property or during a school-sponsored event, are the responsibility of the family. When an ambulance is unavailable, a medical or school official may transport the learner to a medical facility.

Exception to this Policy

The district’s policy and regulations on concussion management shall supersede any district emergency response policies/regulations when the concussion management policy/regulations are applicable.

Adopted: 01/09/24