ABBB-AP: Use of District Facilities for Other than School Purposes
West Fargo Public Schools may permit the use of district facilities by individuals or outside organizations (hereinafter referred to as “clients”).
The use of district facilities is governed by a specified department or building manager. Department and building management staff will coordinate with additional district employees when necessary.
- School buildings and turf fields are under the general supervision of the Buildings & Grounds Department.
- The Hulbert Aquatic Center (HAC) and the West Fargo Sports Arena (WFSA) fall under the general supervision of their respective building management structure.
Only the Superintendent of Schools may negotiate rental contract terms and conditions.
Use of the facilities by clients does not constitute an endorsement by West Fargo Public Schools.
Any renter that violates the terms of the rental contract with the district or this policy may be denied future rental privileges for a period consistent with the nature of the violation.
Any client using district facilities shall, in writing, indemnify and save harmless the School District, and any employees of West Fargo Public Schools, from any loss, damage, liability or expense that may arise during, or be caused in any way by, the use or occupancy of the facility. In the event something does occur, the client will be held liable.
All use of district facilities shall comply with all state and local fire, health, safety, and police regulations.
Unless issued a district approved license, the following are not allowed in district facilities or on district grounds; pets, sale or drinking of alcoholic beverages, use of tobacco products, gambling, or possession of weapons.
Clients must comply with the sex offender on school property provisions contained in NDCC 12.1-32-15 and 12.1-20.
Clients will conduct activities that are orderly and lawful, not of a nature to incite others to disorder, and not restrictive by reason of race, creed or color.
The use of any district equipment must be requested at the time of application and will be approved based on a building’s available resources. Facility renters are generally responsible for bringing their own equipment.
No permanent signs, banners, pennants or the like may be placed in/on district facilities or grounds by any group, without prior permission from the Buildings & Grounds Department or HAC/WFSA building management. Use of temporary signage during the hours specified within the rental agreement must be requested at time of application and requires prior permission from the Buildings & Grounds Department or HAC/WFSA building management.
Facility use calendars shall be maintained for every facility within the district. These calendars will include all school and non-school activities, and will be viewable by the public.
Adopted: 04/28/75
Revised: 02/12/80 ,04/22/85, 06/12/89
06/21/93, 10/26/98, 10/24/05
11/09/09 ,02/08/10, 08/30/13
05/13/14, 07/21/15, 01/11/16
5/12/17, 10/01/19, 02/24/21