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Impacts By Feeder System

Determination of Projects

These projects will address growth, consistency, and future planning needs for the district.

  • Growth: West Fargo Public Schools is projected to see 14,255 learners for the 2028-29 school year, which is an increase of 1,049 from this year's starting enrollment. The vast majority of that growth is expected at the secondary level, which equates to a 14% increase in our enrollment in grades 6-12. 
  • Consistency: With facilities ranging in age from 84 (Lodoen Community Center) to 1 (Meadowlark Elementary School), ensuring learners have an equitable experience regardless of which school they attend is a priority of the Board and leadership. 
  • Future Planning: Staying on top of our projections and the anticipated outcomes from the completed FM Diversion will allow the district to be adequately positioned before a space and land crunch becomes reality.  

For information on the impacts if Question 1 of the referendum does not pass, learn about the consequences of a no vote

Impacts to the Hawks Feeder System


The Hawks feeder system would receive necessary upgrades to address growth in the area and ensure schools across the district are consistent in their offerings. Some upgrades include the completion of Horace High School and Heritage Middle School, safety and security upgrades to all schools, special education improvements, and restroom upgrades. Get a detailed look at the impacts to the Hawks Feeder System and a look at the projects impacting each school. 

Impacts to the Mustang Feeder System


The Mustang feeder system would receive necessary upgrades to ensure schools across the district are consistent in their offerings. Some upgrades include safety and security upgrades to all schools, special education improvements, and restroom upgrades. Get a detailed look at the impacts to the Mustang Feeder System and a look at the projects impacting each school. 

Impacts to the Packer Feeder System


The Packer feeder system would receive necessary upgrades to address growth in the area and ensure schools across the district are consistent in their offerings. Some upgrades include high school multipurpose rooms, safety and security upgrades to all schools, special education improvements, and restroom upgrades. The expansion of Veterans Memorial Arena would also impact the Packer feeder system.  Get a detailed look at the impacts to the Packer Feeder System and a look at the projects impacting each school.